Children are highly confident, independent and motivated learners. The curriculum
expertly aims to ensure children have a wide range of exciting opportunities that
skillfully prepare them for their next stages in learning.
Children feel safe and secure. They have wonderful bonds with the staff and make
positive relationships with their peers. Children are eager to play together and
demonstrate high levels of confidence in social situations
Staff are highly skilled teachers and provide children with an abundance of
exciting and stimulating activities. Staff are very attentive to the children’s needs
and development, and have excellent understanding of what the children know
and can do. Their precise planning ensures children’s flourishing progress is
continuously supported, preparing them brilliantly for the next stages in their
Parents are extremely complimentary about the setting. They describe the staff
as welcoming, friendly, supportive and enthusiastic. Parents are delighted with
the progress their children are making and see great improvements in their
social skills, independence and confidence. Parents enjoy having opportunities to
be involved with the setting and feel supported by the staff.